Remembrance Day

Two years after the catastrophic tayphoon Yolanda / Haiyan (08.11.2013) we would like to remember of all the people who have lost their livelihood, their families or even their lives. In total, 11 million people have been affected from the disastrous natural catastrophe and more than 6000 people died. The destroyed region gets back to normality step by step, however the effects are still visible and perceptible. Schools, houses, and nature carry the scars and have not always totally recovered. It will take still time and effort to get back to the original state and to enable the people to have a normal and good life. The support and worldwide interest for the philippine community may not stop or be forgotten.

After our yearly general meeting of the Waray Empowerment Network e.V. of this weekend we are full of new ideas and hope to be able to support future projects of and on the Philippines. You can also contribute to change the living conditions sustainably. Be part of a thoughtful and solidary community. Support the German-Philippine network the way you can and like to. Or let the network support you. Ideas and suggestions for the further work, as a member or with funds – everything ist welcome and valuable.

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