Author Archives: simon

Remembrance Day

Two years after the catastrophic tayphoon Yolanda / Haiyan (08.11.2013) we would like to remember of all the people who have lost their livelihood, their families or even their lives. In total, 11 million people have been affected from the disastrous natural catastrophe and more than 6000 people died. The destroyed region gets back to normality step by step, however the effects are still visible and perceptible. Schools, houses, and nature carry the scars and have not always totally recovered. It will take still time and effort to get back to the original state and to enable the people to have a normal and good life. The support and worldwide interest for the philippine community may not stop or be forgotten.

After our yearly general meeting of the Waray Empowerment Network e.V. of this weekend we are full of new ideas and hope to be able to support future projects of and on the Philippines. You can also contribute to change the living conditions sustainably. Be part of a thoughtful and solidary community. Support the German-Philippine network the way you can and like to. Or let the network support you. Ideas and suggestions for the further work, as a member or with funds – everything ist welcome and valuable.

Third semester of university-scholarship

The 85 students of the Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) Salcedo just started their third semester which is financed by the WEN. For this reason theESSU StipendiatenInnen_Mai 2015 IVESSU StipendiatenInnen_Mai 2015 IIESSU StipendiatenInnen_Mai 2015 Iy had a meeting with university officials in May 2015. We wish you all the best for your studies!

ESSU StipendiatenInnen_Mai 2015 III

Distribution of the funds in the first year after typhoon Haiyan

A few months after the catastrophe Haiyan/Yolanda in November 2013, we had raised nearly 20.000 € – with the help of the association „Freies Wort hilft e.V.“. In the following list developed one year after the typhoon you can see what we have done with the funds.

WEN-scholarship programm: 6 scholars: 4 from Quinapondan, 2 from Hernani

Financial support of the 6 scholars for 6 months from february 2014 – july 2014 (per month and per scholar 5.000 PhP = 180.000 PhP)

3.240 €

Financially supported projects:

1. School project in Hernani „Santa Claus“:

Distribution of school supplies to more than 1000 children in Hernani

= 1.200 €

2. Project „Chainsaw“:

In order to support the rebuilding of destroyed houses in Quinapondan, we financed the purchase of a Stihl chainsaw which is provided to affected families in the municipality.

= 1.060 €

3. “Seeds of Hope” in Hernani (partly financed by WEN):

Distribution of a variety of vegetable seeds to all Barangays in Hernani.

= 50 €

4. Participation in the “Eco-Run” Event in Borongan:

We funded the participation of 20 ambitious Hernaninhons in the “Eco-Run”. Besides running for environmental awareness, the participants were engaged to discuss about environmental protection issues.

= 80 €

5. School project in Quinapondan:

Funding of school supplies for 40 elementary school children (Brgy. 5 & 6).

= 140 €

6. ESSU-Scholarship:

85 students at the ESSU Salcedo are payed the tuition fee for one year (2 semesters)

= 10.000 €

7. „Coconut-Project“ in Quinapondan:

Farmer who made/make their living with the cultivation of coconut trees are supported by the distribution of coconut seedlings.

= 870 €

Total financial support  = 19.880 € (16.640 € for projects and 3.240 € for the six-months-scholars)

Official registration of the WEN

Jane, Mathis und Ingo ließen unseren Verein in Dresden registrieren

Hauke, Jane and Mathis in Dresden

Today, the Waray Empowerment Network was officially registered. Therefore, Hauke Jürgensen, Jane Müller and Mathis Kurz, three of the members of the newly founded association met in Dresden to sign the required documents.

About a week from now, we expact the official certification from the Dresden Civil-Court to call ourselves “the Waray Empowerment Network Germany Philippines e.V.”